Reviews of Natural Process
From Experts Representing Competing Interests
It is a groundbreaking achievement... I do not normally ask such things, but this is an exception. This is a dynamite book that contains such common sense proposals to environmental and free market cooperation that it should not be ignored. (Original Text (PDF File)
A fresh perspective and most welcome. The writing style makes for a very good "read." It is incisive and well directed. The proposed solutions are creative and deserve to be tried.
Clear, concise, and forward thinking in a manner seldom seen in the current literature on this topic. The vision of resource management presented and the sea change of consciousness, necessary for the implementation of sound policies, deserve a broad readership.
Many of us have stumbled over the question of how we can manage our natural resources without government regulatory schemes and agents. Don't we have to have some central control over our air, water and land?
Well the answer that we knew was there but could not put into words or action is now revealed in Natural Process by Mark Edward Vande Pol. A whole new concept of environmental management awaits your tour. Just this brief glimpse will set your mind reeling with new possibilities. You will find yourself asking, "How could we have been so blind?"
Powerful. Comprehensive. A must read for those with serious interest in our environment. It will change the way you think about solving our environmental issues and the role for government and responsible private citizens in providing solutions. Vande Pol suggests a creative approach which deserves discussion, development and trial. Compelling insights document current failures and political ramifications.
It is refreshing to read about a positive approach to environmental protection that is based on motivation, rather than coercion. Natural Processes gives real life examples of the perverse effects of the present system of socializing resources, then shows how incentives based on market forces could inspire landowners to be creative in enhancing environmental values. Everyone involved in environmental protection and planning, or in resource-based businesses, should read this book and work to put its principles into effect.
Mr. Vande Pol's depth of knowledge and accurate perception of the Environmental movement and its consequences are most comprehensive. As a tragic record of where we are today, as more and more property rights are expropriated from private to public (civil to civic), the book is a treasure. He makes some most ingenious proposals and I would love to live in that world, but certainly I will not, nor, I fear, will any of my descendents.
Natural Process is of immense importance. It is the most significant and ground-breaking concept in decades for the United States. Currently, it is in its embryonic state - about the stage that Microsoft was in 1978-81. And, while Microsoft has had a huge impact, the "Natural Process" can have far greater impact for it addresses a basic need in American society -- property rights versus an ever expanding socialist big government. Property rights are at the core of the American Experiment in history.
The "Natural Process" sucks the very wind and energy out of government abuse, thereby freeing up an massive surge in the economy while better conserving the nation's natural resources. We are fortunate to be in on the ground floor of the most important sea-change since the Nation's founding.
The question is -- Are we going to allow the current apathetic slavery continue???? or --
Are we smart enough to reach out and grasp the golden ring???
The technical understanding of the various issues (economics, government, various physical and life sciences, logic, tax structure, logging, etc) are substantial in each case. However, the overall integration of these various disciplines in the context of natural resource issues, is, to put it mildly, astounding. I can imagine no one with a broader, in depth, technical understanding of the components and interrelationships of the natural resource catastrophes we are facing.
It's a marvelous book! I could comment favorably on every section, and every page! VERY impressive!!
This book will change the way you see environmental management. It has significant and original supporting data. It is loaded with insights that continue to develop after multiple readings.
This book is an important contribution to a growing new environmental movement. Its ideas appear sound, and lay the groundwork for a coordinated, private sector approach to environmental management that may prove to be an effective alternative to failed government practices.
Finally! A path to retire inordinate suspicion and fear! A whole new industry, just waiting to be given birth! Every public official, regardless of level or branch of government, should read this book. It is a plausible blueprint for returning "Nature Care" from the ridiculous, to the sublime, through a "good-natured" and simple concept.
Natural Process: That Environmental Laws May Serve the Laws of Nature, ISBN: 0-9711793-0-1. Copyrights © 1999, 2000, & 2001 by Mark Edward Vande Pol. All rights reserved.